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Withdrawal of land plot as the sanction for violation of tax laws and land legislation


Petrov Alexander Vasilievich

was born on January 29, 1952. In 1984 he graduated from Sverdlovsk Law Institute. In 2007 he defended a doctorate thesis “The Police of the Urals and Western Siberia in the beginning of the 20th century”. Now he is a Chairman of the department of Theory and History of State and Law of South Ural State University. He is the author of 82 publications. Research interests: history and legal regulations of law enforcement agencies activity.


Dubrovin Oleg Vladimirovich

was born on June 11, 1974. In 2001 he graduated from South Ural State University. Now he is an assistant of R.U. Gattarov, a member of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, to work in the Chelyabinsk region, a degree-seeking student of the department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of South Ural State University. He is the author of 5 publications. Research interests: constitutional and municipal law, constitutional process, public property. E-mail:


Problems and Questions on Constitutional and Administrative Law


The procedure of withdrawal of land plots as actions of authorized state authorities and local self-government, connected with the violation of tax laws and land legislation is considered; the features of regulatory control of the procedure of withdrawal of land plots at the federal and regional levels are recognized.


land plot, withdrawal of land plot, sanction.

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