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Title |
Expert Opinion and Evidence
are Two Forms of a Proof
Author |
Evgenia Aleksandrovna Matsun
chief investigation officer, Investigation
department for Troitsk, Criminal Investigation
Office of Investigation Committee of the Russian
Federation for Chelyabinsk region (Troitsk).
Section |
Problems and Questions of Criminal Law, Criminal
Justice and Criminalistics
Abstract |
The article analyzes the problems of the use of
expert opinion and evidence within the process of
proof in a criminal case; the analysis of their
forms and content is performed. The author gives and
proves his view of expert opinion and evidence as
two forms of a proof. Expert judgments in the form
of his opinions and evidence are data on legally
relevant facts, which can be given by the specialist
due to his special knowledge and can be independent
proof. Expert opinion and evidence are two forms
(sources of one proof that is information in special
questions to the specialist by the parties based on
his judgments. |
Keywords |
expert opinion, expert evidence, expert judgments,
proof, proof sources. |
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