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Problems and prospects for development of legal constitutional risko


Kireev Valery Vitalievich

was born on September 9, 1961. In 2001 he graduated from Sverdlovsk Law Institute. In 2010 he defended his doctorate thesis “Theoretical problems of reforming the Constitution of the Russian Federation”. Now he is a Head of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Civil Law of the Faculty of Law and Finance of South Ural State University. He is the author of 96 publications. Research interests: problems of reforming the Constitution of the Russian Federation, constitutional risks of modern Russia. E-mail:


Problems and Questions on Constitutional and Administrative Law


The article considers research, political and legal problems of legal constitutional riskology; possibilities for the use of the theory of constitutional risks in the process of national security strategy implementation are defined; the relation between doctrine of defects in constitutional law and some ideas on constitutional risks is characterized; the conclusion is made on prospect of analysis of the category and methodology of risks cognition in constitutional law of Russia, their features and parts, typological characteristics, assumptions, functions, subjects and peculiarities of assessment and legal means of minimization.


dynamics of the doctrine of legal risks, constitutional risks, legal and constitutional riskology, grounds for crudity of risk theory in constitutional law.

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