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Legal effect of public hearing in the sphere of urban planning


Burmistrova Svetlana Aleksandrovna

was born on February 1, 1978. In 2000 she graduated from South Ural State University. In 2009 she defended her Candidate’s thesis “Powers of local self-government bodies in the sphere of urban planning”. Now she is an Associate Professor of Constitutional, Administrative and Civil Law of the Faculty of Law and Finance of South Ural State University. She is the author of 21 publications. Research interests: legal regulation of urban planning. E-mail:


Problems and Questions on Constitutional and Administrative Law


The article proves legal effect of public hearing in urban planning as a form of participation of the citizens in local government; reasons against consideration of public hearings to be direct will expression with the involvement of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as well as academic sources are given. A range of problems dealing with public hearings which are supported by the compulsory force of the state is analyzed. The role of public hearing among numerous forms of participation in local government is stated; the author considers it to be precedence by means of public disputes of several persons’ opinions and those of the state and society.


public hearings, urban planning, municipal regulations.

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