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Title |
Organizational and legal grounds for operation of
law enforcement authorities
of anti-Bolshevist government of the Ural and
Western Siberia
Author |
Petrov Alexander Vasilievich
was born on January 29, 1952. In 1984 he graduated
from Sverdlovsk Law Institute. In 2007 he defended a
candidate’s thesis in Police of the Ural and Western
Siberia in the beginning of 20th century.
Now he is the Head of Theory and History of State
and Law Department of South Ural State University.
He is the author of 85 publications. Research
interests: history and legal regulation of law
enforcement. E-mail: |
Section |
Problems and Questions on Theory and History of Law
Abstract |
The article considers the problems of operation and
fields of concern of anti-Bolshevist governments on
the territory of the Ural and Western Siberia in the
period after the February Revolution of 1917. The
problems of legal support and legal regulatory acts
are analyzed. |
Keywords |
the history of law enforcement authorities, law
enforcement, public order. |
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