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Several issues of expert examination of the projects of regulatory legal acts in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Kysakova Gulnara Baurzhanovna

was born on October 29, 1981. In 2003 she graduated from North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev. In 2008 she defended a candidate’s thesis in Criminological forecasting and prevention of crime in institutions of detention. Now she is a senior researcher of Scientific Research Institute of State and Law named after Gayrat Sapargaliev (Astana, Kazakhstan). She is the author of 20 publications. Research interests: criminology. E-mail:


Problems and Questions on Constitutional and Administrative Law


The article considers organizational issues of expert examination presentation for the projects of regulatory legal acts in the Republic of Kazakhstan which can influence the quality of expert opinion and the terms for expert examination, materials to be provided to the expert in particular, as well as the requirements for the selection of the experts.


expert examination, expert, the project of regulatory legal acts, expert opinion.

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