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The notion of the terms “legal view of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation”


Kuzmin Andrey Georgievich

defended a candidate’s thesis in Legal entities as the subjects of constitutional and legal relations in 2007. Now he is a Vice-chairman of Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk region, professor of Entrepreneurial and Commercial Law Department of South Ural State University. He is the author of 16 publications. E-mail:


Problems and Questions on Constitutional and Administrative Law


The article considers basic theoretical approaches to define the essence of legal propositions of the Supreme Arbitral Court of the Russian Federation as juridical phenomenon demonstrating the trends for the use of case origin in the Russian law. On the basis of the analysis of common features of legal views of the highest judicial agencies the characteristic of legal views of the Supreme Arbitral Court of the Russian Federation giving the possibility to consider them as the most important element of legal state mechanism for provision of the unity and consistency of the Russian legal system and efficient development of the constitutional system o the Russian Federation is formulated. 


the Supreme Arbitral Court of the Russian Federation, legal view, case, interpretation, legal regulation, constitutional system.

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