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Road traffic users and their classification in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ukraine 


Gorodokin Vladimir Anatolievich

was born on November 14, 1954. In 1980 he graduated from Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute. In 2009 he defended a candidate’s thesis in the Use of specific auto-technical knowledge at crime investigation connected with traffic-related offence and vehicle operation. Now he is a professor of the Department of Vehicle Operation of South Ural State University. He is the author of 21 publications. Research interests: forensic examination, road traffic regulations, investigation of circumstances for traffic accidents. E-mail:


Problems and Questions on Constitutional and Administrative Law


The article considers the problems of classification of the road traffic users such as a driver, a passenger and a pedestrian. A new category which is other users is introduced. The analysis of the solution of the problems in the traffic rules of the States of the former Soviet Union such as the Ukraine, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus is made.


road traffic users, driver, pedestrian, passenger, traffic rules.

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