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Administrative reform in the Soviet Russia of 1920 s: combination of a tradition and novelty


Vinnichenko Oleg Yurievich

was born on December 29, 1960 in Kurgan. In 1983 he graduated from Kurgan State Pedagogical University. In 2001 he defended a Doctor’s thesis “Advisory assistance of the Ural in state mechanism of 1929–1941.”Now he is a vice-director for research of the Institute of Law, Economics and Management of Tyumen State University, a head of the Department of State and Law Theory and International Law. Research interests: issues on the history of state and law of Russia, the Soviet state construction. He is the author of 80 publications. E-mail:


Vaganov Artyom Mikhailovich

was born on March 30, 1986 in Kurgan. In 2008 he graduated from Kurgan State University. Now he is a postgraduate student of the Department of State and Law Theory and International Law of the Institute of Law, Economics and Management of Tyumen State University. Research interests: formation and development of the Soviet bureaucracy of 1917-1929. He is the author of 7 publications. E-mail:


Problems and Questions on Theory and History of Law


The article analyzes rationalization of the Soviet state service in 1920s. Special attention is paid to the provisions of draft legal acts, which are to become a core for the work relationships, and actual nomenclature principle of recruitment. The attempt to explain the reasons of the set regulatory system of the Soviet bureaucracy is taken.


administrative reform, Soviet state service, Soviet legal system, acts of the Communist party.

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