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Effect of criminally-remedial policy on the separate institutions of pre-trial procedure


Ovchinnikov Yuriy Georgievich

was born on October 16, 1976. In 1998 he graduated from Krasnoyarsk High School of Ministry of the Interior of Russia. In 2006 he defended a Candidate's thesis «House imprisonment as a preventive measure in criminal proceeding». Now he is an Associate Professor of Criminal Proceeding and Criminology Department of Vladivostok branch of Far Eastern Law Institute of Ministry of the Interior of Russia. He is the author of 80 publications. Research interests: pre-trial procedure in criminal proceeding. E-mail:


Problems and Questions of Criminal Law, Criminal Justice and Criminalistics


The influence of criminally remedial policy of state bodies on pre-trial procedure including statutable regulation of separate institutions is considered in the article. Special attention is paid to the activity of Human rights commissioner of the Russian Federation; measure of restraint in the form of custodial placement is analyzed.


criminal procedure, pre-trial procedure, criminally-remedial policy, Human rights commissioner of the Russian Federation, custodial placement.

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