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Mass media as the element of civil society


Orlov Kirill Alexandrovich

was born on August 9, 1982 in Kurgan. In 2003 he graduated from the Ural Law Institute of Ministry of the Interior of Russia. In 2006 he defended a Candidate’s thesis «Legal regulation and mass media». Now he is a lecturer of Theory and History of State and Law Department of the Ural Law Institute of Ministry of the Interior of Russia. He is the author of 12 publications. Research interests: legal regulation of mass media.


Problems and Questions on Theory and History of Law


At present stage of development in Russia the problems of objective and early informing the citizens about the current processes in society, as well as information open civil society formation are coming to a head in a great extend. Nowadays it is necessary to achieve the admission of the fact, that mass media is the way of information influence, forming a separate entity, which is able to influence both purposefully and spontaneous on the citizens with the help of modern technologies, to form their values, purposes and motives of their behaviour, including those in legal sphere.


mass media, technique, social institution, civil society.

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