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Title |
Form of Action
in Administrative Proceedings
Author |
Aleksey Vladimirovich Toropov
– barrister, degree-seeking student of
Constitutional and Administrative Law Department,
South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk). E-mail: |
Section |
Problems and Questions on Constitutional and
Administrative Law
Abstract |
The article considers the problem of form of action
(appeal) in administrative proceedings in terms of a
project of Code of Administrative Court Procedure.
The article deals with general characteristics and
features of administrative appeal, a range of
subjects of public and legal relations, which
protection of subjective public rights and interests
is due to the use of an administrative appeal. The
author analyzes the notion of an administrative
appeal, ambiguous problem of a theoretical notion of
administrative appeal is highlighted. The author
comes to the conclusion that administrative appeal
is a tool of proceedings to realize the rights to
appeal in administrative court proceedings. On the
basis of analysis of different viewpoints of the
scholars the author’s view on the notion of
administrative appeal with its procedural form of
administrative form of claim is pointed out.
Keywords |
administrative appeal, administrative law,
administrative proceedings. |
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