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The Notion of a Document and Its Role of a Source of Evidence in Administrative Procedure


Aleksey Vladimirovich Minbaleev – Doctor of Science (Law), Associate Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law Department, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk). E-mail:


Sergey Germanovich Safronov – Master of the Department of Сonstitutional law, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk). E-mail:


Short reports


The article deals with the notion of a document and its role as a source of evidence in administrative procedure. The author analyzes the category of a document. Based on analysis of a notion of a document, its features as an object of legal relations, opinions of scholars and a viewpoint of a law-maker, the notion of a document as a source of evidence is stated. The author comes to the conclusion that a document as a source of evidence in administrative procedure is an objectively expressed object performed by the participants of proceedings in this case due course of law and compliance with the requirements, containing fixed information and other details identifying a document, and being a carrier of  evidence information in law violation.


evidence, document, source of evidence, administrative procedure.

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